A couple of weeks ago I attended the Photoshop World Conference at Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas . I had a great time, learned a lot and did some sight seeing in my free time.
The strip is a photographer’s dream. I will be posting some of the images I made in my down time later on.
For now I just want to post a few images I took at the Westcott Shoot Out booths. The National Association of Photoshop Professionals otherwise known as NAAP sponsored a competition for photographers attending the trade show.
Using JD Westcott lighting gear and professional models they set up a live photo shoot challenging photographer to make great photographs for a chance to win Westcott lighting equipment. What was particularly interesting is that some of the models were in body paint and the results were incredible.
I would appreciate feedback on these and if you have a favorite I would love to hear about it.